The Best Honey Do List Apps For Couples
Let’s face it. There are a lot of productivity and list apps out there. The real question is, what is the best honey-do list app for you? In this article, we want to share some app features you should look at before downloading a to-do list app. We then will list a few apps we recommend for your honey-do list.
We want to start with this one disclaimer. The best productivity app is the one you will use. When looking at creating your honey-do list, you should try utilizing tools you are already familiar with. Adapting to a new tool generally works for a short amount of time but doesn’t stick. To get the most out of it you should look at shared to do list apps. There are great to keep couples on the same page, however, it is important to know what app works for one may not work for the other.
When looking for a to-do list app, we recommend making sure that you can use it on multiple devices. The next significant factor is can the to-do list app integrates with other tools you use, especially with the calendar you use. If you are just starting to use a honey-do list, we recommend building out the habit of using only the basic to-do list features then expand to use features such as recurring tasks, reminders, and more.
Best To-do List apps for honey-do lists
- Trello
- Evernote
- Google Keep
- Omni Focus
- Todoist
- Wunderlist
- Microsoft Todo
I want to start with the two apps I am the most familiar with. Marina and I generally use these to-do list apps in conjunction with our dry erase board honey-do lists, google calendar, and home management binder.
To-Do List Apps we use
This first section is about the apps we regularly use. We do this because they seem to be the best to-do list apps for us. That being said if they may not be the best for you, so if one doesn’t work try another app.
Trello is one of my personal favorites. It follows a Kanban board structure that many project management teams use. If you are not a business person or a developer, it is easy to use because of how visual the system is. Trello can be used for basic to-do lists, and as you progress, there are many additional features you can add to make your own productivity system.
We attempted using the calendar function as our main calendar, but we found that Trello was good at keeping track of tasks and projects, not events. It is still great to have a visual of task due dates.
Trello is a great program and can be used for more things than just a to-do list. That flexibility can cause Trello to be daunting to new users at first, so we have created a post a more detailed post as a Trello honey-do list example. It is also one of the easiest sharable to-do list apps and is very customizable.
Over time I have learned to like Evernote. At first, it seemed so basic it wouldn’t work when compared to Trello, but that simplicity is what makes it great. It is easy to share notes and add a simple to-do list. We still prefer using Trello as our central honey-do list tool, and Evernote is more used for what David Allen, author of Getting things Done would consider a reference tool.
One of my favorite things is how easy it is to take pictures of something and upload it to Evernote and review it later. It is also
Honey Do List Solutions App
Our goal of this article is to regularly keep it updated. One of our biggest updates is that we have decided to create our own honey-do list app. As we were searching for something that would work for us we decided why not try and build it. We are currently in the beta stages and if you want to get the app in exchange for some feedback please beta test our honey do list app. Our goal of this app is to create an app that can be used as a home management system, family calendar, honey-do list, and maybe even more down the road. Our goal is to make an app that not just works well for an individual but can be a shared to-do list app for couples, and eventually extend to other parts of the family.
Other to-do list app recommendations
Below are apps that we have briefly looked at, or have friends that use them. If you want to add or expound on any of the apps we have mentioned in either section, please let us know as we hope to keep this page up to date with the most relevant and helpful information.
- Google Keep
- Omni Focus
- Todoist
- Wunderlist
- Microsoft Todo
In closing, using a productivity app as the central place to utilize your honey-do list can improve your life and marriage. The key is making sure you use it, and you don’t over-complicate the system. It is also essential to include your partner, so both individuals are held accountable, so tasks get done. If you have other recommendations for apps or websites that can work as a honey-do list app please let us know.
We also recommend reading Getting Things Done by David Allen to learn about his productivity system and how you can use one of the to-do list apps mentioned above to increase your productivity and decrease stress.
We also know an app doesn’t solve all of the honey-do list projects, nor does it actually get the tasks off of your honey-do list. Please check out our other honey-do list examples as well as join our newsletter.

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