Does Mulch Attract Bugs?
In short, mulch is a layer of material which covers the surface of the soil, often used to improve the appearance of your garden, or to protect your plants. Mulch can be made from rubber, plastic, grass clippings, bark, pebbles, or even bean shells, and it helps to protect the soil from direct sunlight, and aids its water retention, all while boosting the aesthetic of your garden – but could your mulch be attracting bugs into your yard, and by extension, into your home?
Unfortunately, the answer isn’t simply ‘yes’ or ‘no’, and depends largely on the type of mulch you’re using.
What are the different types of mulch?
Mulch can be said to be organic, or inorganic. Organic mulch is – funnily enough – made from organic materials, which occur naturally in nature and are derived from living things, such as wood chippings, grass clippings, or chopped leaves. Inorganic mulch is often manmade and synthetic, such as mulch made from rubber or plastic, or it can be found naturally, such as rocks or pebbles – inorganic basically means the material has never been alive.
What types of mulch attract bugs?
The types of mulch that doesn’t attract bugs are, in general, of inorganic origin, because inorganic mulch doesn’t decay. By comparison, it is the nature of organic mulch to rot – though how quickly varies – and this tends to attract bugs into your garden, though for those of you who prefer a more natural mulch, there are some organic mulches which attract bugs much less.
Does rubber mulch attract bugs?
As an inorganic material, rubber doesn’t attract bugs to your yard, since rubber doesn’t rot, and, therefore, doesn’t release the organic molecules which attract bugs and allow them to gain nutrition. However, rubber mulch may draw the bugs already in your garden to it, if the weather is particularly warm or cold, since the rubber provides insulation against harsh temperature conditions, and helps soil to retain moisture, which is also ideal for creepy crawlies. On the whole though, rubber mulch doesn’t attract bugs.
Does rock landscaping attract bugs?
For the most part, rock landscaping doesn’t attract bugs into your garden, though it may draw out bugs that already reside there – this is because rocks shelter them from harsh light, and the heat of the sun; most bugs prefer the cold and damp. This is easy to prove – if you turn over a large rock, the underside is usually swarming with little critters, taking shelter underneath.

However, since rocks trap heat, they may attract bugs less than the rubber alternative, which doesn’t conduct heat as well, particularly in Summer when it’s hotter.
Does mulch made of chopped leaves attract bugs?
Out of all the types of mulch listed here, leaf-based mulch is the most likely to attract insects into your yard. This is because the rate at which leaves rot is incredibly quick, and nutrients from the organic matter can be more easily retrieved by feasting bugs. This means that hordes of insects will come to receive their fair share, especially termites, who thrive on the cellulose found in leaves. The same can be said of grass clippings – though they decay slightly more slowly, and provide a less delicious meal for the pests.
Does wood/bark mulch attract bugs?
As well as helping the soil to retain a cool temperature, and trapping moisture – conditions which bugs just love – wood and bark, similarly derived from trees, release insect-attracting molecules when they decay. However, these materials decay at a much slower rate than their leaf-based counterparts, so they aren’t as attractive to bugs. So, if you’re set on using an organic mulch, this might be a good alternative.
One particularly bug-repellent wood-based mulch is made from cypress trees. As it decays, it releases a chemical which deters insects, which can help to ensure that bugs steer clear from your yard. However, this effect is lessened when the mulch is made from young cypress trees, rather than trees which have had time to mature, so make sure to do your research.
Does cocoa bean shell mulch attract bugs?
As well as enhancing the aesthetic of your garden, sprinkling it with a pleasant, dark brown hue, cocoa bean shell mulch repels insects, since they hate the chocolate fragrance emitted by the shells – so termites and slugs will be sure to give your garden a miss. However, if you have dogs, cocoa bean shell mulch is a no go, since – if ingested – the residual cocoa can make them sick.
Now you know about the different types of mulch, you can be sure to choose the right kind for you and your garden, and be sure that you don’t accidentally attract bugs into your yard.
Very good article. I am experiencing many of these issues as well..