
Do You Really Need a House Cleaner? Here’s What I Learned From My Experience

Hiring a cleaner can feel like a luxury you don’t really need. After all, how hard can it be to keep your home tidy? But, as I discovered—especially after our kids came along—sometimes, it’s not just about “cleaning.” It’s about time, sanity, and, yes, even saving your marriage (trust me, more on that later!).

So, let’s dive into the real question: Do you really need a cleaner? The answer? It depends—on your lifestyle, your budget, and what you value most in your day-to-day life.

When We First Hired a Cleaner: Pre- and Post-Baby Chaos

Before my wife gave birth, we thought we had things under control. But as the due date approached, our lives became a whirlwind of baby prep, doctor appointments, and let’s face it—stress. Cleaning the house was just another thing on our ever-growing to-do list, and deep cleaning? Forget about it.

That’s when we decided to hire a cleaner. And let me tell you, it was one of the best decisions we made during that hectic time. They took care of everything from scrubbing the floors to dusting areas we hadn’t touched in months. Knowing that we were coming home to a clean, fresh space after those exhausting days of preparing for a newborn was a game-changer.

Even after the baby arrived, we continued using the service. I honestly think it’s been a lifesaver, helping us maintain some semblance of order amid the beautiful chaos that comes with a newborn.

The Hidden Costs of Not Hiring a Cleaner

Now, let’s talk about costs. Sure, hiring a cleaner is an upfront expense, and if you’re trying to manage your household budget, it can feel hard to justify. But think about this: What’s the cost of your time?

How many hours a week do you spend cleaning up after your kids, scrubbing the bathrooms, or trying to stay on top of laundry? For us, it felt like we were spending all of our free time just maintaining a basic level of cleanliness. Forget about deep cleaning—we were barely keeping up with the surface stuff.

When we hired our cleaner, we quickly realized that we were actually buying back our time. And as any parent knows, time is priceless when you have little ones. The cleaners helped us get back the hours we spent on things like vacuuming or mopping so we could use that time to do what really mattered—like spending time with our kids (or sneaking in a nap when we could!).

In my experience, the investment was more than worth it. It saved me from burning out, and it honestly helped my marriage. No more fights over whose turn it was to clean the bathroom. No more feeling overwhelmed by the never-ending mess. Our home felt fresh and inviting, which made it easier to relax.

Skipping the “Whose Turn Is It to Clean the Toilet?” Debate

Speaking of cleaning the bathroom—let’s be real, that’s usually where the arguments start, right? Before we hired a cleaner, we were constantly debating whose turn it was to clean the toilet or scrub the shower. It’s one of those tasks that nobody wants to do, and it can lead to a lot of frustration and resentment.

But once we brought in a cleaner, that whole argument disappeared. Now, it’s just taken care of. No more back-and-forth about who’s doing what or feeling like one person is stuck with all the dirty work. Honestly, this alone has probably saved us hours of needless bickering. Sometimes, peace at home is worth every penny you spend.

The Reality: It’s Not Just About Cleaning

One thing I’ve learned is that it’s not just about the cleaning itself. It’s about what happens after the cleaning. In the review I left for our cleaning service, I said, “I love how clean they make my home feel, even with all of the kid messes. My kids destroy our house, and the few days after the cleaning are my favorite days of the week. Saves me time and most of all keeps my sanity and even marriage better. All around one of the best investments I have made.”

That sums it up pretty well. There’s something incredibly refreshing about walking into a clean house, especially after a busy day of work, school runs, and everything else life throws at you. It’s like a weight lifts off your shoulders. For those few days after the cleaner comes, I feel more at peace in my own home.

And, let’s be real—having a clean home helps me keep my sanity. When the house is a mess, it’s harder to relax. The mental clutter of seeing toys, dishes, and dust piles everywhere adds to the stress. With a cleaner, that stress is minimized.

Filling the Gaps: Why We Still Need Deep Cleaning

While we do our best to keep up with the everyday messes, the reality is that deep cleaning often falls through the cracks. Between kids, work, and trying to have some semblance of a social life, we’re barely staying afloat when it comes to regular cleaning.

That’s where our cleaning service really shines. They fill the gaps, taking care of things we don’t always have time (or energy) to do—like scrubbing baseboards, cleaning behind the appliances, or giving the bathrooms a real deep clean.

When we tried to handle everything ourselves, we ended up in a constant cycle of “maintenance cleaning,” which was fine for the surface-level stuff but left our home feeling a bit grimy in the places that mattered most. Hiring a cleaner means we don’t have to stress about those deep cleans. They handle the hard stuff, and we get to enjoy a house that feels truly fresh and welcoming.

So, Do You Really Need a Cleaner?

At the end of the day, it depends on your situation. For us, the benefits far outweighed the costs. Hiring a cleaner gave us back time, helped reduce stress, and filled in the gaps that our regular cleaning routine missed.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the day-to-day mess and never seem to have time for the deep clean, it might be worth considering. It’s an investment, yes, but one that pays off in more ways than one—especially if you have kids or a busy schedule.

The cleaner doesn’t just clean your home—they clean up your schedule, your stress levels, and, in some cases, even your marriage. For us, it’s been worth every penny.

P.S. Here is the cleaning company we use in utah county. Please let them know we sent you as the are working on a referral program.

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