Honey Do List Examples
There are lots of different types of honey do lists. Here we want to show some honey do list examples as well show you how to use some of these honey do list templates. For those of you who like the pen and paper we even have some honey do list printables.
If you haven’t you really should read what is a honey do list. We are hoping that your key tak a way is that is is what you make it. We hope you use it as a relationship builder and a tool to help you simplify your life. That being said we know it is most common to have as a to do list or chore chart and have included those types of honey do list examples as well.
There are tons of different ways to create your honey do list, but the most important part is to make it your own. In fact, we don’t believe there is the perfect honey do list out there becuase life is always changing and if you are like us will be constantly changing how you write and follow up on your honey do list. That being said here are some of the most common honey do list examples we found.
To keep things simple we found that all honey-do lists generally have some type of medium they are are
Honey do list Apps and Software
Honey do list Boards
Honey do list Printables
Another really common type of honey do list is the honey do list calendar. The reason we didn’t put it as it’s own category is that it fits into all three of the examples listed above.
Before we go on an in-depth explanation of each honey-do list example it is important to remember that most people generally use a combination of all the different mediums. The goal is to create a system that works for you. Be careful though sometimes we get so caught up in planning that getting things done on the honey-do list gets lost because planning takes to much time. The goal of the honey do list examples is to help you create a system to take the to do’s to to dones and your dreams into reality.
Honey Do List Apps and Software
We live in an age where technology plays a huge part in our lives and people spend a good amount of time in front of our phone, computer, or tv screen. Now at least not right now the Honey do task of a movie night is all that will be helpful for. Below is a list of popular apps and websites people use to create their honey do list. We will give more in-depth guides in separate articles if there is a certain one that is of interest to you.
Trello: This is probably one of my favorite tools. It can be used for a lot more than just honey-do lists. Many companies use it for business tools. When it comes to the home you can try and put everything on it from: to do lists, grocery lists, and even calendar events. Below is a link to our Honey do list Trello Template. This is just an example honey do list remember to change it and make it your own.
Google Calendar: This is pretty self-explanatory it is a calendar. The best part is you can have multiple calendars and hide ones you don’t need to see or see them all at once. One of the best parts about using google calendar is setting time aside to actually complete each honey do. Google does have a list feature, but as of now isn’t the most friendly and recommend using a shareable google doc, another list application like TodoList, or pen and paper.
Phone’s Default Applications: Marina uses her notes and calendar for her personal to do’s. The list doesn’t share with me where I have a google phone and she has an iPhone, but it works really well for her.
The ones listed below are mentioned in an article from the Muse as some of the 10 to-do apps for 10 kinds of people. There are just the ones that stood out tome, but feel free to read the article for other ideas.
Things: an award-winning tasks manager
Fantasical 2: (Calendar App)
TodoList & Wunderlist: Apps for creating honey do lists, to do lists, grocery list and any other list you can come up with.
Honey do list Boards
People love boards. In almost any business and in many houses you will probably find a whiteboard or a chalkboard. In fact, it is part of the reason electronic boards like Pinterest do so well. I love technology, but there are two things I don’t like about having my honey do list solely on technology. First is that sometimes it is just quicker to write it down, or draw a picture. Second, I spend to much time in front of a screen and with my goal to avoid technology especially during bed it is because that is the best time for me to review my day and plan for tomorrow.
The thing I like about it most is it is prominently displayed in my home. It is really easy to check the to-do list because it is in our kitchen. Between us running in and out it of the house at different times it is easy to leave notes that we don’t want to interrupt the other with a text. It is also very easy to look over at it during dinner and have a conversation about it during dinner or random parts of the day. Where it is visible to both me and Marina I also feel it holds me more accountable to get done.
Below are some examples of some honey do lists on a whiteboard
Just some tips is if you are going to have lines on it or plan on separating your board into sections use electrical tape. This keeps lines straight, they don’t rub off when you are wiping away and unlike a permanent marker if you want to change things up it is easy to remove and create a different layout. This is especially great if you have kids and making chore charts for them.
Also, remember just because it is a whiteboard you don’t do everything in Marker sometimes sticky notes make certain things pop.
The most common one we have talked to people about is one with pre-printed lines for a calendar and a section to write things on. Ours has a little cork board section that is great to add family pictures and little sayings
Placement of the board is just as important and should be prominent, but remember guests can see it as well so you don’t want to put anything too personal on there.
I can also see some also worry about a big whiteboard being an eyesore in there home. Keeping a small chalkboard can look creative and can add a certain look for feel to your home.
Honey do List Printables
Sometimes nothing beats good old pen and paper. I use sticky notes all the time. Although I am not planning my day on them they are great reminders.
When it comes to regular honey do list on a paper there are 2 ways I have seen it done
Honey do list Planners: Writing this now makes me want to go buy a planner again. When I was single I used one all of the time. It was a great combination of a calendar and a to-do list
Honey do list printables: are generally just a sheet of paper with a certain design. The image of one below is one I used to plan each week. I eventually got sick of printing one each week or losing the stack of them so I ended up laminating it and using it as a type of whiteboard.
Below are some examples of some honey do list printables you can get on Amazon. You can create your own, but I will tell you it took a lot more time then I would like to admit and
A hack to save you some money if you find one you like try laminating it and using it as a type of dry erase board.
Another honey do list printable is just a calendar. Many go and buy a calendar they like and hang it up and add all of there events and to do’s on it. My personal favorite is my friends that each year for Christmas his parents create and order a custom family calendar with images of all of there kids and grand kids for everyone to use. The main image has fun events and quotes and already has each family member’s birthday listed so you don’t forget.